
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Economic warfare against Venezuela, not a fairy tale.

Edward Mercado - 11.13.2014

In the book Hegemony or Survival by Noam Chomsky he quotes a 2002 media report  prior to the Iraq invasion about the existing world super powers; "there may still be two superpowers on the planet: the United States and world public opinion".

More than 12 years have passed and the geopolitical map continues to reflect this reality, although now with the competition from China and Russia as emerging world super powers. 

Washington's strategist undoubtedly understood the power public opinion represented before Chomsky book was published. Consequently President Bush signed the patriot act in October 2001, which gave the government total control over the media and communications in the name of liberty and democracy. 

A month before the Patriot act was signed, a profound act of terrorism took place against the World Trade Center. That horrific event marked a new stage in the Global Economic Warfare. Although the Media has insisted there is a war on terror since then, in reality we are witnesses of a economic war at the global scale. A desperate race by the developed nations to control the world's natural resources to sustain their way of life and privileges. 

In fact a few years after the operation Iraqi Freedom, We found the war was not about the freedom of the Iraqi people nor a retaliatory act against the September 11th attacks, but instead a criminal war to take control of Iraq's natural resources mainly Petroleum, consequently crippling Iraq's infrastructure and economy of this important country member of the OPEC. This is a perfect representation how global public opinion was manipulated with WMD to divert their minds from the reality of a global economic warfare to sustain the unsustainable, "The American Way of life".

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was one of the few global leader that spoke out against the shock and awe campaigns launched against Afghanistan and Iraq.  He denounced the root of the conflict was about Oil. Indeed history proved him right. 

There is a real relation between the control of natural resources and economic prosperity. In the case of Venezuela it has been under attack since the re-nationalization of PDVSA the state owned oil company. President Chavez understood that in order for the Venezuelan economy to prosper and therefore its citizens, control of the Oil revenues was key. High levels of poverty and misery were created during the last decades of the 20th century during which the elite private sector had control of the Venezuelan Oil revenues and the chains of distribution of goods and services. 

Public opinion has continuously been manipulated year after year about conflicts in different regions of the planet, in an attempt to continue to cover the realities of the global economic war. The role of the media and its pseudo economy analyst paint an upside down world confusing and driving public opinion away from reality.

In the Case of Venezuela "economy experts" constantly predicted a total collapse of the Venezuelan economy for the last 14 years. using this argument to label the Socialist Venezuelan Government a failed state in attempts to re-install pre-Chavez era government sold out to foreign interest and global capital holders. 

The intentions of the private media and private economic sector have not stop after the election of President Nicolas Maduro, Instead they have intensified in 20013 and 2014 with acts of social  and economic instability to force out a constitutionally elected president of a vibrant participatory democracy. 

In a recent radio interview Venezuelan Assemblyman Julio Chavez, former Mayor of Carora denounced that "The inflation that our country has suffer  this year has been induced by the private economic sectors, through groups such as The Federation of the Chamber of Commerce (Fedecamaras), The Venezuelan - American Chamber of Commerce and Industries (Venamcham), in actions that include speculation, contraband and programmed goods shortage, through an economic war"

The Assemblyman highlighted "There are clear rules of the game, the businessman must respect the agreements and should aim towards productivity and the essential development of the country".

Many analyst are skeptical of the official claims and often labeled them as paranoid  accusations or external excuses to hide their responsibilities to the economic problems facing the country. Therefore I decided to prove the private sector involvement with very clear and simple historical facts. 

Going back to recent history to President Chavez first term in 2001 when he decided to take control of the Venezuelan Oil Industry which was in the hands of the private sector and in the verge to be sold to an American company linked to the Central Intelligence Agency. 

After President Chavez publicly announced in national TV the dismissal of the industry executives and board of directors which at the same time were active opposition political actors. A general strike was called by opposition groups backed by the private media and the private economy sectors. A few months passed and the people of Venezuela backed President Chavez through the struggle, marking the failure of the general strike. Shortly after the strike a coup d'tat was orchestrated taking president Chavez hostage and unconstitutionally appointing Pedro Carmona as Interim President of Venezuela.

Picture: Pedro Carmona in 2002 was the the acting president of the Venezuelan Chamber of Commerce - Fedecamaras and Venezuelan Dictator for 48 hours. 

Once again the People of Venezuela did not accept the installation of a dictatorship and massively took over the streets, government buildings and military posts, demanding the return of President Chavez to complete his presidential term. Pedro Carmona ran to Colombia where he remains today and continues to conspire to forcefully take power in Venezuela. 

In the preparations for this article I was going to include the current economic warfare from the West towards Russia reported in the recent article in the Public Policy FP publication, however I decided to conclude this piece with a Venezuelan GDP graph. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.

Data: Venezuelan central bank 
Contextualization:  Mark Weisbrot, CEPR Center for Economic Policy Research.

Disclaimer: The intention of the author of this article is to simply share relevant information to unveiled the realities of an Economic warfare against Venezuela, not a fairy tale.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Mukumbari the world's highest cable car

Edward Mercado - 11.12.2014

First built in 1952 by the Venezuelan Government in alliance with the Andean Venezuelan club, The actual cable car was built in France by 25 different companies. It was open to the public 8 years later in March 1960. Spanning a distance of 12.5Km and rising to 15,633ft above sea level at the summit Bolivar Peak in the national park Sierra Nevada.

The highest cable car in the world was closed down to the public in 2008, after a report by the Doppelmayr group concluded its service time had ended. 

Two years after the closure the Venezuelan Ministry of Tourism announced a total reconstruction of the system.

 Since then the Doppelmayr group .has been working on the new construction of the now called "Mukumbari" (where the sun lays) Cable Car. This magnificent project includes the totally new system with 5 stations, 9 towers, 1 electromagnetic system for 4 stations and 8 high capacity cabins.

The stations are named after the views and the natural wonders that you will be seeing while riding the cable car. Be physically and emotionally prepared as you will definitely be left breathless once you see the majestic wonders in each station.

In a recent press release the Doppelmayr group announced the new Cable Car system will be open to the public in the third trimester of 2015. 
WAYAtour will soon announce the Andes adventure tour to Merida fall 2015. Don't miss it!

Social tourism, a nest for people's diplomacy

Edward Mercado -  11.12.2014

There are many types of travelers, some travel to party and get as far away as possible from their daily routine. Some do it to relax and absorb new cultures.

I could go on and on about the different interests a traveler has in mind as they embark into their new destination. However there is a type of tourism that really makes a difference in the understanding why the people live the way they do, their beliefs and traditions. Some call it Social Tourism.

In our approach to customize a social tour, we understand  the importance of a humble path to achieve a true understanding of the cultures. putting all glamour aside and getting down and dirty with the local struggles and history of the people hosting the temporary faces.

For more than a decade Social tourism to Venezuela has increased rapidly, some call it reality tours. whatever label you decide, the root of the successful experience is to connect real people from the working class with no hidden agendas to a frank exchange of humanity, history and culture.

Some if the most memorable experiences I've lived come from social tourism. Back in 2005 a peculiar group of socially conscious students from different regions in the United States visited Lara State, Venezuela. They spent much of their time in the land of the goats: the city of Carora. Learning about the struggles and changes taking place in Venezuela. A commitment emerged from participants to connect Carora to Milwaukee to build a lasting relation between the cities.

After much foot work, a couple of years later both mayors meet in the city of Milwaukee to sign a Sister Cities agreement promoted by the grassroots movement that originated from that first social tour. The sisterhood allowed for many cultural exchanges and personal relations to develop, which increased awareness of the realities and history of Venezuela in a way that no bias media report can never take away.

Taking into consideration official diplomatic relations between the two countries have seen better days. This unique people to people approach has allowed to look pass the ideological differences and instead concentrate in identifying the similarities among the cities, and how the can complement each other.

One trip has led to the other, early 2014 the Sister Cities Agreement was renewed for four more years and now many interested citizens are looking to go a bit further into the relationship. Looking for creative ways to have a positive economic impact through strategic trade initiatives, with a goal of creating deals to complement each other's economy, increase production capacity and transfer technology where necessary. The results are yet to unfold. The potential reach of this type of travelers place Social tourism as a nest for people's diplomacy.

Cocuy the next mezcal

Edward Mercado - 11.12.2014

Indigenous people in the Americas roam this land for thousands of years, living in harmony with earth elements and sustaining their needs with nature's gifts.

The medicine man or shaman from north to south had extensive knowledge on the healing properties of many herbs, plants and roots. Many combinations were use to heal or feed their people. 

Many indigenous were nomads and moved to different regions to adapt to nature changes or hunting needs. Since those days Agave plants grew in the wild in arid and semi arid regions. In mexico the blue agave in one of the genetic diversities of the plant, which is well known for the distillation of Tequila, which became globally known as a ancestral cultural asset of Mexican people. 

The artisan preparation of the agave fermented drink goes far back in time. However it was not the only application to the agave plant. There are many genetic diversities of the Agave , especially in Mexico. After Tequila enter the commercial market , it lost some of its artisan attributes due to the  industrialization of the distill. 

In the last decade another agave spirit emerged into the international race for new blends and exotic distills. although with similar qualities as the Tequila, the Mezcal enter the liquors market as a Artisan product due to its ancestral roots, ensuring the hand touch of its makers a trademark as it is commercialize in batches with denomination of origin. 

Further south in the Continent a similar tradition survived thousands of years. In this case with a rare less genetically diverse specie of Agave found in western Venezuela. The Agave Cocui was traditionally used by the Ayaman people and their relatives the Gayon people. Since ancient times they used the plant for its medicinal and nutritious value to feed the young and the fermented form to energize the hunters. 

Indigenous people called it Yugus or Cocuy, and its artisan making traditions has been passed from generation to generation. The Cocuy liquor was ban in Venezuela for centuries yet artisan bootleg production never cease. Finally reforms promoted by President Chavez in the early 21st century dignify Cocuy and it's producers, in fact a presidential decree declared Cocuy part of Venezuelan Heritage. New laws were passed to recognize and regulate artisan distill drinks, giving a rebirth to this ancestral spirit. 

The Agave Cocui is found in the western states Falcon and Lara, where it  grew roots since before the colonization times. Many of the current cocuy masters remained unrecognized as they are learning to fit their practices into the new regulatory frame work. 

However some producing families apply their ingenious practices to the lack of resources and have been building their home made stills first introduced by the Spaniards. Although stills are not built in Venezuela. Producers use improvised stills and continue to preserve traditional practices to transform the agave into Cocuy.

The right batch has magical attributes. It provides great humor, stamina, spiritual and aphrodisiac gifts. I was introduced to Cocuy about a decade ago and can't get enough of it. In our many guided tours to different regions in Venezuela, Cocuy is the magic under my sleeve when is time to break the ice, all the travelers using our services are sure to get an unforgettable introduction to this especial and ancestral Venezuelan Spirit.   

In recent years Cocuy has gained wide spread recognition in Venezuela and is being quickly introduce into many entertainment venues. Soon it will be introduce to the international markets. Surely its unique taste and properties should make Cocuy the next Mezcal.